The mind's imagination center, where images are formed as a movie, needs to be managed by way of
filtering out, and to yield to the sound mind that comes from Christ. ~ G.S.Ministries #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Life is all about the spiritual ways The Lord Jesus teaches. As not the physical only but the
physical benefits through truth.” - G.S.Ministries
The world may appear silently but it is quite loud as always a commotion occurring. The Lord of
Lords also is on the scene, and is also there too, and brings ultimate life in justice. ~ G.S.Ministries
“A thing has purpose if it is of proper reason that ultimately comes from the ways of Truth.” - G.S
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“A perception of something is as thought and that perception can be either of truth or of false.” -
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Adjusting by way of understanding a subject of matter is of stewardship, responsibility, and a will
to learn.” - G.S #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Don’t get caught up in the moment, take control of the moment, and use it for the benefit of life.”
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“It’s a skill and an art to tune out distractions.” - G.S
Take care of each other - Look out for each other - Be there for each other - 2020 #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21