“To figure something out properly is as discovering a thing that comes from God. #Understanding”
- G.S #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Perseverance and a trial of a thing go hand in glove.” - G.S.Ministries
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“A lot of the time the solutions one thinks are not solutions at all they’re actually exacerbations.
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
It’s only “the end” or better said “full completion” when God says it’s complete. ~ G.S.Ministries
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
Proper Union is done through Truth. #Lord Jesus ~ G.S.Ministries
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
The Lord Jesus opens His arms to embrace. Even In a tough environment that tends a secluded matter.
#transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“The sly tries to take a thing astray that is why discernment is necessary and knowing the truth
in love.” #lost sheep found ~ G.S.Ministries #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
Under the sun a segment has a genuine and counterfeit. #discernment #wisdom
#Ministries function discernment #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Don’t wait to do what’s right just do what’s right!” #Scriptures teach #Unity in Truth
- G.S.Ministries #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“Once one filters out the junk around that affects the mind and body then one can think clearly, and
and life a satisfied life knowing the truth.” - G.S.Ministries #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21