Rivalry in business for the sake of squelching its environment
of other peoples’ businesses hence lively hoods and family operations is the currency of the devil based out of theft (rivalry) hence the...
Being with the right people is as medicine, but the wrong people leaves a person feeling...
empty and hinders to proper functionality. Choose what God wants according to His peace in love. #Laws of Association #transformation by...
“To check a mindset is to check its will.”
Expression: Hence “checkmate” - Check on each other to score a checkmate as in chess. As it is good to be expressive #transformation by...
It starts at the person and family level. Since the Garden of Eden at the beginning of people’s time
...That’s where a matter that has to do with sociology or morality begins. ~G.S.Ministr #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
The air one breaths, and thoughts, “thought” should be purified as the air on earth has dust, pollen
airborne particles, mildew, and mold. It is good to figure out a way to put in a charcoal filter or filter of some kind to filter out the...
The process of a thought should be relaxed and thorough in its fluid process hence on earth as there
is time it should be wisely considered. Then... (Should be) time a process to what is going on accordingly. ~G.S.Ministr #transformation...
Sternness is as the earthly languages.
A “being” or “animal” hence a “spirit“ needs directions of some sort. The question is: who is giving the directions? Is it coming from...
One doesn’t prepare for a storm on the day of the storm.
The same is true in Christianity, seed planting, they prepare in advance. One sets their priorities according to their faith and reaps...
“The power of choice was so important to God allowing free will and determination that is why there
was the 'Tree of Life' and the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil' to choose from in the garden. Chose-Choice ~ G.S.Ministries
“The good news is Jesus over sees and HAS THE FINAL SAY in spite of the way this world currently is”
#transformation by the renewing of mind ~G.S.Ministr