One fights their battles through worship and commerce–(communication)with ultimately the Lord Jesus;
then with serious followers of Faith. #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21 ~G.S.Ministries
Living in an imperfect world is as the process hence the time allotted
to conform to the likeness of the Lord and be transformed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Follow The Prince of Peace! ~ G.S.Ministries...
Life is too short to live life any other way than God’s Best Way and according to His plan that can
Be received by surrendering to Him.” - G.S.Ministr
I find that by surrendering in wisdom and strength to the Lord Jesus then one can find their calling
In ministry and then in job occupation that the Lord has. Especially that burning desire that the Holy Spirit inspires.” - G.S.Ministr ...
Christ’s thinking is of a sure matter that is above the “human, and physical brain thinking” as it
IS THE MIND OF CHRIST THAT IS WHOLE IN CERTAINTY of Christ’s PEACE; Hence above what we can ask or imagine. vs human earthly level of...
“It is important to process things with a clean heart that comes from God, rather than...
the random thoughts that come in. The heart and gut would be accurate.” - G.S.Ministries #transformation by the renewing of mind 20-21
“It is good to understand a proper matter instead of the “slang” representation. It is important to
Study a symbol of a thing as well as the surroundings riddled with symbols, and meanings created by God.” - G.S.Ministr
The “letter” of a syllable or “letters” in a word should be in a phrase or used in example to be
Understood properly or else the meaning could come out misinterpreted. - G.S.Ministries Definition of a “letter.” #Understand the “real”...
“Jesus gives a thing purpose whereas current worldly matters gives a thing a label. Find:
#Truth #Lord” - G.S.Ministr