Why halting (unsteady) in life is not good and what that means when incorporated to rest...
That is because the laws of motion “keep on..” - G.S.Exampl.Def Video’s To Share:
Don’t loose the train of thought in the forest of life by not getting distracted by everything in
the forest. ~G.S.Exampl.Def Distractions and disturbances can be avoided by focusing on what matters to advance life.
Grandiloquence is not necessarily the best way to communicate if detail to aid is needed
-Examp.Def Details are needed to help aid in life and wisdom its source.
The calmness of proper assurance is to know proper law hence showing the spirituality of warfare.
What is improper assurance? Improper assurance is made up “law” hence consensus based on biased assumptions.-(Not law at all) ~Exampl.Def
The difference and similarities between understanding and comprehending
Understanding is the applied wisdom whereas comprehending is the process of fathoming hence the process of understanding! - Exampl.Def
How energy works hence a reaction
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The lifespan of entropy, notice it’s a “span” meaning not instant
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We should be taking steps forward advancing life also known as teamwork
Why secluding the ones that need to be included, and including them that are toxic will backfire? Also known as: Why take “a step back”?...
Compassion what it is and what it is not
Compassion looks past the noise, assesses with a sound mind that comes from The Lord of Lords, and King of Kings! Ultimate compassion is...
Humor: What did the cat say to the rat and mouse?
It’s time to get out of the rat and mouse race! Chew Chew Yum! Run, don’t walk (away) from the devil’s ratty system! -Riddle Humor How...