A kid watching in the distance
Why are they trying to divide us? What are they trying to do? A kid watching in the distance Heart in want But only Jesus could mend His...
This is the prayer of purpose! No works nor deeds can compare to what Jesus offers!
Keep on Keep what Jesus Has given Keep on Jesus gave us a reason He has given us a purpose This is the prayer of purpose Praise God for...
Even if it seems rough keep holding on!
We have been made more than a conqueror! More than conquerors Through Christ Jesus! He came to earth and will come again! He keeps the...
They said it couldn’t be done But Jesus said all things are possible through and those in Him!
Hallelujah, He made a way! That even though there is a devil we in Christ are above the devil able to conquer through Christ who already...
Caring too much or caring too little it’s about balance, alpha omega, first last in the perfect way
There is nothing to be frightened of Jesus reminds His followers to trust in Him ~G.S.MinistrSong
Humor: Why was the serious person funny? - It was the knight in shining armor
It rode an armour of determination that dusk glistened as the dusky and moony light reflected its shine. ~G.S.Ministries Take the sword...
Humor: How did a thing avoid a fall?
It avoided tripping up by knowing what the trick up that causes a short circuit to work. ~G.S.Ministries
The question is sleep - it’s better to sleep at rest rather than to sleep on it with stress
or sleep without a sleep. This humor is based on the figurative expression (Have you heard the expression “I am going to sleep 'on it'...
“The tides turn at the command of the Lord Jesus.” - G.S.MinistrSong
Psalm 56:9-11 KJV [9] When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. [10] In God will I praise...
Justified by Faith and Grace Established:
Romans 4:1-25 KJV [1] What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? [2] For if Abraham were...