Jesus took away The Elect’s flaws so here and now; (Church) the next phases are as white as snow.
Those who walk in the real wisdom of The Lord Jesus are as the peacemakers that Christ talks about!
Learn to be an individual first, and learn it fast!
Emotions should be stable and working in The Spirit of Truth and NOT up and down in instability.
As long as the thought is obedient unto Christ and in compliance with His Word then it is acceptable
The job of The Shepherd and leaders in general is to bring proper unity and not fake unity!
Take a “fast” that is a break from instant appetite and fake gratification that is of bad thinking.
Whose advise is being listened to? God’s in Heaven above or titles and views here below Heaven?
“The fake security is of wrongdoers as speech should be examined!” - G.S.MinistrDef
The peace of God stays present in calamity according to His ways!