Once one understands the fusion and defusing process then that is the start to understand molecular.
“In the sense of staying in the Father’s house; and not to be in fear of the world.” - G.S
Technically as in technology that becomes an innovation when it’s done upright becomes an innovation
“A technology done right in uprightness is an innovation.” - G.S
“The central banks use the big media outlets from big to small to induce a reaction of emotion.”
This is one way they create their money velocity to (they try to) overtake (they use fear tactics and anger tactics to try and take out)...
“Each person that walked after the upright way of Jesus suffered rejection from The General World.”
“Throughout history each person that walked after righteousness suffered very temporarily, but reaped the fruits of uprightness.” “The...
Structure or Institution?
“A structure ordered by God is what a form is.” - G.S
What is a depression technically?
When the money velocity or any type of emotion velocity (a current being received) extends over the honest input one produces then that...
“Don’t take the bait of rushing into something blindly.” - G.S
Proverbs 21:1-31 KJVS [1] The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. [2]...
Satan (and his system) temps the hardest when a person is at a low point that is why vigilance
is important to maintain and get a victory. - G.S # Review to stay encouraged 22-23 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be...
“The human brain looks for entertainment of a sort that is why discipline is necessary.” - G.S
“When a person explores and takes pictures of what they encounter.” - G.S