“God is the one who set's up for a thing to thrive eventually even if at the current moment it looks
“A thing that thrives in understanding is a thing in balance.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“It is very easy to get out of balance as the smallest thing can offset that is why it is important
“A plant has to endure a lot from when its seed was planted to its endurance in the dark soil
“A thing that is progressing is a thing that takes in what it is learning in daily life and uses it
“Make sure the right words take root.” - G.S
“It is the truth sought after, that is what liberates us in the perfect law of truth in love.”
How to make moves at the right time as an impulse is a driver for a thing?
“Jesus is our defense and advocates for us His Followers.” - G.S.MinistrDef