Jesus sees our needs and gives us accordingly and in His due season when the seed of faith is in Him
planted on the good soil.”- G.S and whoever may have the goods of the world, and may view his brother having need, and may shut up his...
A remedy to the Baal system of banking!
A resolved economic situation is the realization of God’s provision and providence as well as unity united that He paid for! ~...
The central banks are a part of the Baal system just look at how their logos and Fed buildings
of history are structured and look at the ancient Baal buildings how they are structured they are almost a carbon copy. ~ G.S.Ministries ~
Fate?, Destiny?, Learn from History (Past)!
There are two ways to live life these days either, oh, oh, or let’s make the most of it. Which way will you choose today? If you can take...
What if the world disowns us? “That is exactly what you want actually is 'world disown us'!” - G.S
The more the world disowns us (Saints done through Christ Jesus) the closer it sends us towards God and the more united we become in The...
How NOT to slave to a government of Mammon?
(1) The Mammon system is rigged, but subject to The Higher Power In Heaven! (2) Don’t peg your emotions on (the worldly “wise” world)...
“A thing figured out is a step to the next stop in the journey of life.” - G.S
5 Become, then, followers of God, as children beloved, 2 and walk in love, as also the Christ did love us, and did give himself for us,...
Straightforward thinking is clear thinking in the above way that Jesus desires
and it is less temperamental than the below way of thinking as hence a temperature scale of sorts. Joshua 6:5 KJV [5] And it shall come...
Over and over again loop occurrence as the way a planet orbits around the sun and how to take charge
of the loop? Connect the dots: Curtain is a reference to a stage of something as in segment. Genesis 37:9-12 KJV [9] And he dreamed yet...
Temperament as in mood temperature!
Proverbs 10:20-32 KJV [20] The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little worth. [21] The lips of the...