Senses Beyond The Senses!
~ G.S.Ministries ~
You have to be able to receive and you have to be able to give in order for a thing to operate even
physics show. - G.S Genesis 9:3 KJV [3] Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all...
Love comes from our Lord Jesus and His Example of Giving Love should be followed and received
through Christ who strengthens us to do His Way, The Truth, and Life. - G.S.Ministr For all things I have strength, in Christ's...
Our God is perfect in awe and wisdom and uses our weaknesses and frailties to His advantage and His
Glory! - G.S.Ministr Genesis 27:1-46 KJV [1] And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not...
“Just because something or someone tries to stop a thing that is blessed by God that
doesn’t mean they will succeed even if it already looks like they have, because Jesus has the final Word and the start of that word!” -...
Knowledge on its own without understanding is like knowing mathematics and never applying it to life
and that is why it is important to apply the love of Jesus Christ that He first bestowed upon us so that we can love each other. - G.S...
A real argument needs wisdom to handle even if it has falsehoods mixed up with some truths
as a false argument is just false. The difference between a “false” (as in completely baseless as in propaganda) argument and a fake...
What does it mean to be slow to anger and slow to wrath?
“By not picking the fight you win the argument.” - G.S “Meaning not to engage with a false argument then that causes that argument to...
What people don’t understand about individuality in Christ is that Christ is beside them and behind
their efforts, thus accomplished in Him The Truth, Way, and Life. Not the fake life this world has to offer! ~ G.S Matthew 28:1-20 KJV...
What does it mean “to think”?
A thought comes from a mindset and a mindset comes from a mind, and that is why The Holy Scriptures Teach to renew the mind and examine...