“If the pursuit is not money, then wealth is created as it is not greedy.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“Isolation and the distortion being propagated is a backfire to those that do it.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“It will just click together in understanding when God does something.” - G.S.MinistrDef
The phases of time and space to reflect light and a message from God.
A share is different than a “stock” because what gives the right to that share?
“An investment of one’s time is the start to true sacrifice of a full potential outcome.” - G.S
“A worthwhile investment has a producing yield and a good outlook as to the standard of Jesus
What is a “stock”?
“Deception is a big part of spiritual warfare.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“It is not merely psychological, but spiritual warfare, and spiritual in nature.” - G.S.MinistrDef