“An overemphasis on a flawed analytical view that is not complete is that of walking by sight, but
perfect faith has trust and love as what perfect love is.” - G.S.MinistrDef 1 John 4:6-21 KJV [6] We are of God: he that knoweth God...
The Endurance of Prayer:
Luke 18:1-8 KJV [1] And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; [2] Saying, There was...
The Endurance of The Virtue of Humility:
Luke 18:9-43 KJV [9] And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:...
“The double meaning of the same word varies based on the way and the type of way it is in a phrase.”
- G.S.MinistrDef - For example, “to reason” can mean to either “keep thinking,” or it could mean “to figure something out logistically...
Religion is a misnomer because God is about relationship! Then once that is established than other
proper relations can happen and that forms relationships with others the way Christ intends. - G.S.MinistrDef Mark 7:1-37 KJV [1] Then...
“Exploitation is that of deception vs. real integration is doing the purpose Jesus taught.”
- G.S.Ministr - Jesus fulfilled the promise so that the curse is no more when faith in Jesus is exercised as He overcame sin and death...
Natural vs. Spiritual and Why The Two Get Confused?
The natural origin has to do with nature and how it started off here, and the spirit as in love, joy, peace, or malice, envy, and greed...
Why do things get baited on a lie? Why are experiments done and what is noble risk taking?
An experiment is a test to see how a thing would preform whether in truth or if it got baited on a lie. A noble risk is that to help and...
Humor: Why was the “owner” lonely? Why owning something is misunderstood?
Answer: They were their “own.” (without anything else, but their “own” custom way of life so they ended up as “own-ers on their “own” ...
How to not go backwards?
How slow is slow, and how too quick is too quick? “If you go at a calm pace (in other words “slower” than a high speed worldly way.) ...