What self control is about, how to know when to speak, and how to know when not to speak?
Where is the trust placed? Here is why it is the type of trust that is placed constantly matters:
What is not understood about spiritual growth regarding to the field of psychology?
“If there is no trust there is no relationship or ecosystem.” - G.S.MinistriesDef
What is honesty plainly and simply put, and what is (eco-nom-ic as in ecosystem/ethical) fairness?
“It’s not about views and likes, but about the purpose that is a part of the progress!” - G.S
“The act of trusting in God is to have a clarity as to what matters and what doesn’t matter.”
What news is a comfort that is a moment to know?
What is understanding? “With great understanding comes great discipline.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“Why the righteous must go from faith to faith as in the just live by faith as it is continual.”