Another phrase for fear is “missing out.” — “You won’t fear (or miss out) when the purpose
“When our mind is guarded against being subdued by fear of expression, then it would be sound
“When technology, science, and any institutional program, programs anything to think a certain way
“The church here and now is supposed to be as an embassy from Heaven on Earth;
“Actually being and staying committed to God is one thing, whereas acting by only physical eye sight
Who has the right crediting system and upright weights and measures to unlock or lock
Is it possible to tune out the world completely and when is it smart to tune out or tune in?
“Life is quick, and time should be used wisely even to the last available second.” - G.S.Ministr
Shepherding or also known leading such as as a CEO, Pastor, Priest, President, King, or Queen have
What is a leader and what a leader is not leading according to The Holy Scriptures?