“In order for a proper fellowship to happen the ones who should be included are the stranger and
“Segregation and isolation causes mistakes to happen instead of healthiness that rightful unity has
What causes unhealthy doubt? – “Isolation causes doubt that is a fiasco.” “Proper teamwork causes
“The principles of unity and teamwork sees the need of the other that has a talent that the other
“We have to always innovate solutions that is why teamwork is so vital and communication
“Success is faithfulness in the way Jesus Christ taught faithfulness to be (that is divine).”
What is fiasco psychologically speaking?
“With ‘belief’ it’s either believed properly now or the shock later if ignored, that is why proper
It’s not about the “age” or “looks,” but the condition of the heart that only God sees and shows
“When a thing’s origin is studied than the ‘why’ becomes more apparent.” - G.S.Ministr