Humor: How did the IT tech handle all the information? Answer: “With a brave heart and a resilient
What is the mechanism behind “money” as in the “dollar” as an example? Fiat money derives its value
“It is a faith journey not a rushed success.” - G.S.MinistrSong
What does The Holy Bible teach “strategy” to be?
“The focus should be on what type of strategy is in place and shouldn’t be about money or how many
What is “revolutionary”? “When awareness is raised that is revolutionary.” - G.S.MinistrDef
God gives each human a “will” meaning as like “the director of operations;” take charge of your life
“Don’t let anyone pick or change on your God given personality or outlook, because God gave it to
“To find discernment is to find wisdom.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“Even if someone lacks experience, if they have a heart after God (own’s heart) that