“Healthy criticism has resolve that has a revolutionary effect.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“The overseers who criticize unjustly without resolution are toxic and that is when change is needed
“Once you realize what people think or someone thinks about what is only your business is only
“God has a specific plan for each one to follow, and the key is to find it and not waver off it
“When a person freely gives not grudgingly, but gives logically they freely get as what Scripture
“A question to be asked is ‘what mechanisms are put into place daily to fulfill progress the way God
“A fair method to understand a thing (something) is to look at the data instead of an algorithmic
“The best way to communicate is through prayer!” - G.S.Ministr
“It’s not so much what is happening, it’s how it’s happening, whether good or bad that needs logic.”
“A logical assessment is that of how thinking should be that comes from a sound mind.” - G.S.Ministr