“Religion is not a relationship as a relationship has the logic of giving and receiving mutually.”
“Less irrationality and more logic when it comes to thinking!” - G.S.MinistrSongDef
“When you vote with your voice it sounds better when it is said properly that is when it really
What do workers want the overseers to know? “It is not the work that is the problem, but the working
“When GRACE IS GIVEN it gives the benefits to the receiver from the one giving it out.”
What is manipulation and how to overcome the oppressors?
“When learning something and when logic is applied then you can separate the fact from fiction.”
What is a structure in relationship? “When it is realized how godly relationships start on the basis
Don’t get lost in the shuffle! When there is segregation, people get lost even in that segregation.
How unbelief can be avoided and proper communication and community be established?