Why (was there) confusion and what causes a misconception?
Humor: What did the interested person only speak but not do? They said, “Why looks are deceiving?”
Humor: Why did the person that has been working on the project work so hard and not talk much?
“Don’t be afraid of making ‘mistakes’ as that is a part of the growing process for all that are
What is hard? – Dealing with an incomplete situation. “That is why there are steps that The Holy
What is the job of the prophet (prophetic) in the New Testament? – To point to the Holy Law in The
“Faith starts by taking the first step and that is to believe.” - G.S.MinistrSong
What is a cult vs. real spiritual growth? The Real Divinity of Jesus Christ has a flow
If a gift and dream is to be achieved, than a person needs to set a mindset that finds the proper
It is so important to know Jesus and what gifts and talents are sacred to that individual so that