“The enemy doesn’t want us to be alert so it can steal, kill, destroy, instead be vigilant and stay
“To be alert is to be vibrant.” - G.S.MinistrSong
“Through all the noise-(confusion) is that still small voice that has the understanding.”
What is a complainer? “A complainer doesn’t acknowledge the problem or see the solution wholly.”
Why complaining and rough attitude doesn’t solve a problem, but a proper system does?
“To be judgmental is to judge without seeing the whole thing in its entirety.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“The question is what value system is being adopted and why!” - G.S.Notes
“The expensive thing is what matters most to the heart of that particular person.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“It’s not about how expensive or how inexpensive a thing is, but it’s functionality is what matters.
What is self-control a fruit of the Spirit? “To take control of an impulse that crosses over to