“It is good to take a moment to think clearly stepping out of the situation and seeing the big
“God keeps us going even if things go hard.” - G.S.MinistrSong
Money mismanagement Mental Health Awareness: It’s not about (idolizing) money and wealth,
How to be aware of physical and mental warfare signs?
What is the requirement to be Jesus’s disciples? “The foundation first is Jesus then family/friends
“Repentance from selfishness happens by accepting the gift Jesus Christ of Nazareth paid for on
“Forgiveness happens (takes effect) when there is repentance from selfishness.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“Learning to listen and not make a quick hasty judgment is a skill and it is an exercise to develop
“Wisdom knows when to do something and when to wait.” - G.S.MinistrDef
“The stronger in might whether physical or mental, is supposed to help the weaker by compassion and