“Proper work is in the proper action in the deeds of honesty and integrity known as good work ethics
“The enemy brakes the fundamentals of trust so there is an impoverishment and unnecessary splits
What is upsetting? – “A double standard hypocrisy is what causes discomfort as in one rule for
How to respond to a hard to understand question or remark that got twisted, meaning convoluted?
What are the fruits of a healthy mentality and healthy thinking?- “Healthy dialogue and a discussion
“The overseers who criticize unjustly without resolution are toxic and that is when change is needed
What is logic? “Logic sees what is missing and puts together the missing piece(s) to let the
“The function knows its purpose.” - G.S.Ministr
“When GRACE IS GIVEN it gives the benefits to the receiver from the one giving it out.”