Humor: What did the person do with all the “lemons”?
“There is no reason to be overly bearish on the truth, but to learn and apply that truth to life.”
“The bird(s) knows exactly which direction to go in, and who to go in it with!” “It knows
“God takes care of the birds; and how much more would He take care of His own Body and His family!”
“Proper caution stems from wisdom and is of humility, whereas discouragement is of pessimism that
How to stay calm in the midst of “perceived” uncertainty?
Why pump and dump is evil?
“Love is the only thing that is gonna stand at the end, and that is what completes.”
“The way of The Lord is an upright manner!” - G.S.MinistrSong
“A bird is such as fly as the ages change and their success manifested because of their calm nature