“Learning proper patience is how to learn to really rest on God and lean on His provision.” - G.S
How to adapt to change? Why is fear a misnomer? How do these moments work? What is momentum?
“A proper step forward is a realization of the feeling inside your gut and eye that sees and an ear
“To break free from bondage is to be in Christ’s authority and then proper teamwork can be achieved
Selfless hope can be achieved, and how the strong should help those who are weaker,
Are the steps of God being acted upon as well as listened to?
How the internet and the “now,” lack of human connectivity anywhere, makes a feeling of aloneness?
Humor: What does expressing communication that involves God given emotion and feeling mean?
This lifetime is risk oriented, and how to manage (risk)? How does God save the meek of the earth?
What is and how is a cheerful giver and receiver, and why it is not of this world’s way of giving?