“If people follow(ed) (The Bible) The Word of The Living God and not create their own religion, the
world would have been a different place, but it has been this way since the first Adam and Eve as they didn’t listen to The Word of God in The Garden of Eden and hence we got many religions and many opinions. Truth is truth and a lie is a lie! The solution to the confusion? – Is to realize the significance of what Jesus did on The cross (how through believing in Him and reciving Him and acknowledging the significance of His shedding of blood and flesh paid for the redemption as all one has to do is recive His gift by believing in Jesus of Nazareth!) and how He was born of a virgin (Mary) and how His birth was miraculous and How He is full of victory and triumphs even if it looks like defeat as He rose from The grave on the third day! He gives us His Spirit The Holy Spirit and His Sheep know His voice and have a relationship with Jesus. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three in one. - G.S.Notes