This is the prayer of purpose! No works nor deeds can compare to what Jesus offers!
Keep on
Keep what Jesus Has given
Keep on
Jesus gave us a reason
He has given us a purpose
This is the prayer of purpose
Praise God for His purpose
Nothing can compare
No works nor deeds can compare to what Jesus offers
Oh who can comprehend?
We praise Yahweh!
Keep on keeping on
Yeah! Yes! Yes!
Keep it keep what Jesus Has given
Yeah! Yes! Yes!
Keep on keep it on
Jesus gave us a reason!
Yeah! Yes! And amen!
No need for more and more, world
We are content!
Enough is enough, world
Jesus is so much more than enough
No need for more and more, world
We are content!
Jesus is our world and He is what creates through His Word!
His righteous Word is what we need!
Yes, that righteous Word is what we receive!
Praise Jesus He is so much more than enough! The stones have been rolled
The times have been changed
The Lord is on hand
We honor and praise
Keep up the good praise
All things have been made
A function to serve
Purpose pursue
To glory to glory
Praise Yahweh!
One day at a time
It’s done
Not by false expectations or false personas
But by the assurance of The Lord Jesus
Things can be done though truth
Love! Praise! And honor!
To The Lord of Lords! King of Kings!
Holy are the ways of the righteous!
Defeat falls! Joy comes! Fake expectations dissolve!
Praise Jesus!
On the cross Jesus said it is finished!
Let’s receive His directions daily
His ways our daily guidance
We live in one day at the time
Praise The Lord!
Step by step
Day by day
Hour by hour
Week by week
Time by time
Times are in His hands
Paradigms in His hands
Praise Jesus
Holy is the righteous through Him
Christ is our example
Praise! Dance! Live!
Blessed in the city
Blessed in the country
Blessed in the wilderness
Blessed coming in and going out
Blessed no matter what
Though times change
Christ stays the same
Praise Jesus
No weapon formed or shall form against us His children no it shall not prosper
Strongholds collapse that keep us stuck
The enemy has been defeated
Now let’s walk in the victory of Christ!
New things to come!
For Christ makes things a new!
Praise Jesus!